
We provide different career oriented training programme in Jamshedpur.
PHP is one of the most preferred technology used in web development today. The front end development comprises use of HTML and CSS whereas the data is kept in MySQL database. Though PHP is light weighted but together with MySQL it is a powerful tool for web development. PHP and MySQL are trending in vacation training also.
Sometimes it is required to combine different technology, different framework together, hence the knowledge of every aspects of the new technology is needed. Webcolonizers offers a rich set of syllabus prepared by experienced professionals to cover entire sides of the web development such as Core PHP, Databases, Asynchronous programming methodologies, use of different data formats available. The duration is 3 months for the course which includes 72 hours of practical session with live project that will help in overall progress and provide a knowledge base which will help an aspirant in real working environment.
Web designing requires your creative vision to be scaled in the form of HTML documents. But it is a bit different from drawing something on a sheet of paper. One should know the tags of HTML to draw layout and should also know their CSS properties to stylize the layout. This course module has been desiigned in order to train an aspirant so that preparing HTML document could become as easier as drawing something on a paper.
Our experienced professionals have designed an updated web design module which consists of HTML5 tags, and CSS3 properties. We have also included bootstrap in the module so that the document created could be responsive also. The module comprises live practical session of 6 hours per week. We also provide many tools platform on web designing so that one can opt from a veriety of choices whichever one is comfortable with.
Along with the course modules we also offer short term training programme usually 21-28 days. We feel there is a strong need of vacation training in Jamshedpur that is relavent to the academic background of the student, hence this modul is specially designed for B.Tech., BCA, B.Sc. IT. students for winter or summer training in Jamshedpur.
This short term module has a verity of contents, be it Web development, Web design, digital marketing, mobile application development (android, iOs, windows) hybrid mobile application development. CMS like Opencart, Wordpress, Joomla, Magento has been included in the module.